Launch of Our Safeguarding Adults Video!
We’re thrilled to announce the release of our new updated video on Safeguarding Adults! This project has been a collaborative effort with the Barnet Safeguarding Adults Board, funded by the London Borough of Barnet’s Public Health as part of their Prevention Project.
The goal of this initiative is to reframe the local narrative on safeguarding to “Keeping All Adults Safe.” Our video aims to encourage Barnet’s diverse communities to confidently raise safeguarding concerns for adults with care and support needs.
At CB Plus, we believe everyone has the right to feel safe. This video underscores the importance of creating an environment where everyone is valued and respected.
You can also watch the video on YouTube or here on our webpage about safeguarding.
Useful information for adults at risk:
If you believe there is an immediate risk of harm to an adult, call 999.
If you have urgent welfare concerns about an adult that requires an immediate response, phone the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).
020 8359 5000 (Monday – Thursday, 9am – 5.15pm and Fridays 9am – 5pm)
Their out of hours number is: 020 8359 2000
Or, you can make a referral at
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