Working in Partnership to Improve Barnet’s Mental Health.

Barnet Wellbeing Service is a locality-based early intervention and prevention community service that seeks to support adults’ mental and emotional wellbeing. Led by CB Plus, it is a collaborative effort among mental health services, community organisations, the health service, and Barnet Council.

  • Reduce waiting times for accessing mental health support.
  • Identify and address the gaps in provision.
  • Deliver low-level therapeutic services using social prescribing to meet specific needs.
  • Decrease costs for health services by offering early-stage support.

A Closer Look at the Three Aims of the Barnet Wellbeing Service:

Residents to self-manage and live independently, giving them the confidence to make informed decisions about their wellbeing.

With residents and connect them with different community interventions to help them improve their health and well being.

People with practical information, tips, and skills to help manage their wellbeing and understanding of their diagnosis.

Types of Support.

The Barnet Wellbeing Service collaborates with individuals to enhance their mental and physical health through a program of activities and services:

Serving as the gateway to the Barnet Wellbeing Service, the Barnet Wellbeing Hub is a central hub connecting residents with various services and activities to enhance their emotional and mental wellbeing. It is a valuable resource, providing information and guidance to help individuals access the support they need.

Our Barnet Friends telephone befriending service is designed for adults aged 18-55 who may be isolated or lonely. We support individuals with undiagnosed and diagnosed mental health conditions, offering a compassionate and understanding ear to alleviate feelings of isolation and promote wellbeing.

Our IAPT service offers accessible treatment options for individuals experiencing common mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Qualified therapists support individuals on their path to recovery by exploring underlying issues and developing coping strategies.

Mind in Enfield and Barnet deliver a Recovery College in partnership with Barnet and Southgate College. Barnet residents can participate in up to 12 specialised courses to improve self-management skills and boost confidence. The college creates a supportive and empowering environment for individuals to learn and grow in their mental health recovery journey.

Young People Thrive focuses on the wellbeing of young people aged 16-25. They collaborate with colleges, universities, and community organisations to offer innovative and accessible services, from webinars to one-to-one and group therapy sessions. They are part of an anti-stigma and mental health awareness movement, striving to create an environment where young people can thrive.

The Barnet Wellbeing Service organises quarterly public events that bring together residents, service providers, and individuals with lived experiences. These events are platforms for sharing personal journeys, exploring good practices, and discovering new opportunities.

Discover how the Barnet Wellbeing Service can boost your mental health:

Together we are committed to empowering individuals on their journey towards improved mental and physical wellbeing through a diverse range of services, campaigns and programmes.

Breaking Barriers to Financial Stability2023-06-08T11:59:02+00:00
Warm Home, Brighter Future2023-06-08T12:03:36+00:00
From Trauma to Hope, Overcoming PTSD2023-06-08T12:05:27+00:00
“The Hub helped me to be as happy”2023-06-08T12:15:45+00:00
“A Powerful & Positive Impact on my Life”2023-06-08T12:17:11+00:00

How to access Barnet’s Wellbeing Service?

Barnet Wellbeing Service is free for residents aged 16 and above registered with a Barnet GP. There are two ways to make a referral to the Wellbeing Hub – click a button below to fill out the online form.

Navigate Your Mental Health Journey with Barnet Wellbeing: Access Services and Resources Today

Barnet Wellbeing Service website offers a range of features and information, including an overview of mental health services in Barnet, self-help resources, information about events, news and updates, and a directory of mental health and wellbeing services.

Prefer paper?

Click the links below to download the self-referral or agency/ GP referral form. Return the completed form to

Got questions or need assistance? Contact us or call the hub at 03333 449 088.

In the past year, we have supported:

Cost Avoidance & Possible Savings.

We proudly help the NHS and other statutory services save money. Our person-centred model means people can express and choose what they know would best help them.

Through reduced presentations to emergency services, we calculate that across all of the wellbeing services, we saved the NHS almost £2.9 million for a £420,000 investment.

Your Voice – Hub Connections.

Join us at Hub Connections, a vibrant event where Barnet residents come together to hear the latest updates from Barnet Wellbeing services. Discover and connect with various support services in the community while indulging in wellbeing activities and enjoying activities such as music and dance. Engage with experts in the field and have your questions answered. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to enhance your wellbeing and forge meaningful connections. Click here to see event details and secure your spot!

Beating Depression with Flower Workshop at Wellbeing Hub

“I had been unwell, feeling depressed. I started attending Ursula’s flower workshop at the Wellbeing Hub. I have learnt a new skill. I make my flowers last longer than a week. Thank you, Ursula. I look forward to your sessions.

Service User

The Empathy You Showed, No One Understood Me Better.

“Thank you for listening to me on the phone and treating me with respect, kindness, and understanding. I have spoken to many people in the last 26 years, and no one understood me the way you did.”

Service User

Our Trusted Partners: Supporting Your Wellbeing Journey in Barnet:

Moments of Wellbeing: Captured in the Community.

Take a look at our gallery, where you’ll find a wonderful collection of photos showcasing our service users, events, and team members out and about in the community. Connecting with others is essential for good mental health, and we hope this gallery inspires you to get involved in your community.

Connect with us today